childbirth and DANIEL´s first month
with green foods


Danielko was born on 17.2.2021, two days after the date calculated by the doctor (gyn.). 

As I wrote in our “pregnancy¨ story, everything about pregnancy was exemplary, for which I am very grateful. Because it was a problem-free pregnancy that allowed me to experience the birth at home. 

Yes at home in Malženice in our living room :) 

My dream of giving birth without a "drop" of chemistry and in the safe environment of a loving family and two wonderful midwives Lucka and Miška came true. 

And since this story is supposed to show you the power of green food, here are the facts whichthe Green Ways barley and chlorella had a positive effect on. What is considered to be one of the risks to the health and life of the woman in labor is the rate of bleeding after childbirth. 

The GW barley and chlorella have a great influence on the proper functioning of coagulation and proper hematopoiesis. In my case, everything was perfect again. And my blood loss could be compared to a completely normal period. It ensured that I also had enough strength to take care of the baby that was in my arms from the first second of his birth.

Since not a drop of artificial oxytocin flowed into my body at my home birth, as it was at the birth of a daughter (15 years ago), I can compare what the onset of lactation (breast milk) should look like during the natural release of oxytocin in a woman's body.

For comparison. "Artificial" oxytocin pumped into a woman's vein causes a sharp onset of breast milk and a consequent sharp drop. As this time the amount of milk increased in direct proportion to Danielko's needs, I believe that no sharp decline will occur.

Breast milk of women who havethe GW barley and chlorella in their diet is much richer in nutrients (vitamin, minerals, beta-carotenoids, enzymes ....). It also multiplies the amount of immunoglobulin A, which has a healing effect on the mucous membranes. There are many more beta-carotenoids in it, which is revealed by the orange colour of the milk.

Chlorella GW makes sure that 30% of the dioxins found in every woman's body is cleaned up. Certainly, every newborn baby´s mother will appreciate my knowledge with the support of energy during the day.

Danielko gets up 3 to 4 times a night for breastfeeding. So, my sleep is interrupted and I barely sleep for 6 hours. I have never been a fan of coffee and even now, I would not drink it, because while breastfeeding, a baby would get a dose of caffeine too.

The GW barley drunk in the morning acts as a nutritious stimulant. The degree of fatigue is tolerable and I do not need to sleep during the day. Many women suffer from hair loss during breastfeeding. Yes, hair and nails are that part of the body where it is not necessary to supply the body with the necessary nutrients if the body has few of them.

From my own experience, I can say that no hair loss or nail breakage occurs in me. In the end, if you were to ask yourself how much Green Ways barley and chlorella I eat during the day, then in my case it is 20 grams of barley and 90 pieces of chlorella.

I believe that for many mothers, my experience will be supportive and inspiring to manage postpartum weeks in good health and well-being.

If any of you decide to take it in practice, I am here for you as a consultant. You can find me on the website  I wish all mothers relaxing moments spent with their babies.